Monday, July 18, 2011

Ugandan ROLEX!

Now, I know I'm not supposed to eat wheat. But when it comes to chapatis, I just can't resist.
Ugandan street food is best known for "Rolex"- not the watch, but a spanish omelet rolled into a chapati. Sounds simple, or not a big deal..but trust me. There is nothing as tasty as a rolex on the streets of Jinja in the hot afternoon- or at midnight at the Bujigali Chapati Factory at NRE campsite.

I'm not going to give you directions on how to make chapati, because I don't really know the most proper way.. I suggest googling it. Good recipe right, I know. Sorry.

2 eggs, beaten
small zuccinni, sliced and chopped fine
1/4 red pepper, chopped fine
1 clove garlic, chopped fine
1/4 red onion, chopped fine
salt and pepper
half a chilli, diced fine
parsley to garnish (or basil would be delicious)

cook all together in a one layer omelet, put it on the chapati..before you roll it up, line up some sliced avocado with salt and lemon juice. ROLL IT.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fish, Broccoli & Yams from the Deep (Frier)

Fish, Broccoli & Yams from the Deep (Frier)

Part One
Chopped up 2 Yams into thin fingers

Heat Canola oil in a pan with a lid
Immerse yams (this is in two batches)

When golden and crispy I transfer them into a baking pan lined with kitchen paper and deposit into the oven at about 250 degrees till the rest is done

Part Two
Made Batter
1 cup flour
1 tbls baking power
pinch salt & pepper
Mix dry ingredients

1 egg
1 cup water
Mix but not too much
(add a bit more water if necessary, it should be thick and coat a spoon but still be drippy)

Part three
went to the garden for a head of Broccoli
cut it into bite size pieces
dunk in batter
drop carefully into the hot oil
when batter is brown and crisp add them to the pan of Yams in the oven

Part Four
prep the fish (I used cod)
Make sure fish is fresh or is not still frozen (otherwise you'll have major oil splatter)
cover in batter
drop carefully into the hot oil
when batter is brown and crisp add them to the pan of Yams in the oven

Part Five
plate with salad (i picked it the same time as the broccoli)
finished with reduced balsamic vinegar and chives
.... oh, don't forget your chipotle mayo (i cut it with a couple table spoons of plain yogurt)

bon appetite!


This wedding was gorgeous and simple. Homemade beauty in the backyard.... sorry about my consistently blurry photos.... I need me a real camera.

Homemade wine and beer.
and appys from Formaggio

Pictured here is my construct.
Light wafer cracker
grilled zucchini
roasted red pepper

in the background is a Quinoa fruit salad with
red onion
pecans (i think or some other nut)
basil garnish

the night was cool (both in temperature and otherwise) and the dance party may have destroyed their lawn but was worth every blade.

Love you two~!

Fresh Farm Breakfast

Fresh Farm Breakfast

The picture is Pretty Self Explanatory... No secret ingredients.

Orange peppers and farmer sausage rounds
Two Eggs over easy
Young salad leaves (straight from the Garden)
Whole wheat toast (one has honey on it)

Basil Eggs with Quinoa

Basil Eggs with Quinoa (serves one)

In a pot
1 cup Quinoa just covered with water
Bring to a boil than simmer till the water is gone

In a pan with oil (canola with a splash of sesame works well)
2 small Peppers chopped
1 clove garlic chopped
a few leaves of Kale chopped
a few fresh thai Basil Leaves
1 bird chili

Cook together and then add to pot on Quinoa when water is gone.

In a bowl (mix it up)
1-2 eggs
dried basil
salt pepper

cook eggs in pan

Add to pot, give it a quick mix and then straight into a bowl

I often do this same recipe with rice instead of Quinoa but currently prefer the Bolivian Grain.