Saturday, September 3, 2011

Dan arrives alive!

Dan arrived in Nairobi Monday evening, late. So awesome to be together again finally! He was armed with loads of new seasons of Jamie Oliver so guess what we have been doing? Watching and cooking, yes. Along with some exploring Nairobi and introducing him to people at work, friends, etc. On the first morning I made up a nice brunch- complete with GF pancakes, herbed omelette with soft herbed cheese and italian salami, and a tropical fruit salad.

Gf pancakes:
-1/4 cup sweet potato flour
-1/4 cup amareth flour
-1/4 cup maize flour
-1/4 cup soy flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 egg
-1 cup (ish) of milk and whisk until right 'pancake' consistency. I like mine thinner so I thin out the batter quite a bit...
Drop batter into a hot oiled pan in whatever size you like. Wait for the bubbles on the pancake before flipping them over!

Herbed Omelette:
-Whatever herbs you have- I had parsley and chives
-3 eggs
-1/4 cup of milk or cream
-salt and pepper
-half chopped chilli
Whisk everything together and pour into a pan on medium heat- then turn down to low and cover to let the omelette cook slowly- about 10 minutes depending. When it's nearly cooked- drop the italian salami and soft cheese overtop, fold the omelette and pull off the heat and onto a plate.

Tropical fruit salad
-Chop up equal size pieces of banana, mango, papaya, pineapple- stir in passionfruit seeds and a squeeze of orange juice- Serve with plain yogurt and honey.

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