Friday, September 2, 2011

Kenyan Pizza

I was craving pizza. As a wheat free diet girl this aims to be a constant problem for me. So I concocted a GF dough- which, as usual, wasn't very good..So I will not be giving you the recipe. However the toppings were wonderful- I had some pre-made tomato sauce so I added more sauteed garlic, onion and balsamic vinegar (secret trick to major success in tomato sauces!). I covered that with sliced zucchini, green pepper, chillis, feta cheese and gouda cheese, and italian salami. (Yes those were the ingredients in my fridge and that's why they were chosen).
350 for a bit and then fired it up to a broil to get some nice colour and crispness. It was still delicious, in my gluten free world.

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