Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lime Chili Tilapia with Quinoa and Veg.

Lime Chili Tilapia with Quinoa and Veg

Since Tilapia is the only fish you can find in most places in Nairobi that is the fish we used.... however any white fish would work with this recipe.

Start by putting the quinoa in a pot and filling with water till it just covers the grain.
On the stove on high.

Put the veg in a metal colander or a steam top level on top of the quinoa. Add the harder veg immediately (like carrot) and softer veg about half way through (like zucchini)
We used:

Move on to the fish (this is the amounts for two filets..... make sure it is thawed if you have frozen filets)
Oven at 375

Chop up 2 cloves garlic (a handful of Fresh basil would be nice too... but we have not found it in Nairobi)
thin slice 1/4 inch red onion (break up rounds to get delicate
Thin slice 4 slices of red jalapeno (or more slices if green)
thin slice 4 slices of a lime (cut in half and take the slices from the centre)

In a broil pan rub the fish with olive oil, salt, pepper and Garlic (+basil)
Add above sliced ingredients make them distributed relatively evenly under and and on top of the fish.
Slice half a red/green etc into little finger size pieces and add them to the broil pan
Squeeze the remaining lime over the fish and throw into the hot oven.

ok now....

Cook the Quinoa till the water is gone.... give it a taste test so you know it is moist... add a little more water if needed
Fork check the veg till soft but not mush... take it off if done before the quinoa

Add salt and pepper and a squeeze of lemon to the quinoa (to taste)
Mix in the veg


so make extra quinoa and veg cause the next recipe is awesome!

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